ESU #3
School Mental Health Services
(SMHS) Referral Form

Student must be enrolled in one of the following school districts:

Arlington, Blair, Conestoga, Elmwood-Murdock, Fort Calhoun, Louisville, Plattsmouth, or Weeping Water

(*clicking on each section header will also toggle that section)
Student Information
Student Information ( * required fields )

  1. * Is the student receiving therapeutic services from an outside provider?:

    Yes No
  2. * Does the student require interpretation services?:

    Yes No

    If yes, What service/language:

  3. * Is the student receiving special education services?:

    Yes No
    If yes, who is the case manager?:
  4. * Is the student on a 504 plan?:

    Yes No
Automatic Status
Automatic Status ( * required fields )
  1. * In the past 30 days, has the student experienced any of the following: divorce, death in family, suicide ideation or attempt, removal from home, homelessness/instability, adjudicated parent, change in SES, self harm, other (please list):

    Yes No

  2. Our SMH Therapist is aware of this student and/or situation.

    Yes No

  3. Additional information related to an automatic status / crisis referral?
Parent Caregiver Contact Information
Parent / Guardian / Caregiver Contact Information ( * required fields )

Please fill out at least one Parent/Guardian/Caregiver for this referral.
If more than one, select "add contact" below to add up to 3 contacts.

Contact 1
  1. If other relationship:

  2. Yes No
  3. Does the parent/caregiver require interpretation services?:

    Yes No

    If yes, What service/language:

Person Making Referral
Person Making Referral ( * required fields )
  1. If other:

  2. (will populate the below fields from the caregiver contact)
Reason for Referral
Reason for Referral ( * required fields )
  1. *Please provide a brief description of the concern including how long/often the behavior has been occurring:

  2. *Level or Type of Service Requested (only to be completed by school team members):
  3. *Please rate the urgency of the referral (1-10) 1 not urgent, 10 extremely urgent:
Student Assistance Team
Student Assistance Team ( * required fields )
  1. * Has your SAT/Problem solving team made attempts to problem solve at Tier 1 and Tier 2

    Yes No
  2. *Team members present:
  3. *Summarize goals worked on (Please be specific):
  4. *Interventions tried (Please be specific):
  5. *Is this referral the result of universal screening? Yes No
  6. If yes, what screener:

    Date of Screener Administration:

    The student screened is:

  7. *Has the student previously received SMHS? Yes No Unknown
Urgent (This will mark the form as High Priority and urgent will be included in subject line)

Please wait for confirmation page after submission.

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